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Welcome to RTGR

The advancement in Genomics in 21st Century has brought forth enormous information about how genes are organized and expressed in the plants. Despite above advancements, our knowledge about the regulation of metabolic pathways and proteins catalyzing them is very meagre. To understand the regulation and manipulation of metabolic pathways, it is essential that high-throughput analytical methods are available to the scientific community. Unlike genomics, which can be outsourced and cost of the analysis considerably dropped in recent years, the analytical tools related to proteomics and metabolomics are expensive.

The identification of the metabolites and proteins requires specialized machines and software. The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt of India, established facility for plant metabolomics and proteomics in 2011 at Repository of Tomato Genomics Resources (RTGR), University of Hyderabad. During these years, the RTGR has established methods to carry out high-throughput plant metabolomics and proteomics.

Under the DBT SAHAJ (Scientific Infrastructure Access for Harnessing Academia University Research Joint Collaboration; BT/INF/22/SP44787/2021) program, RTGR offers to the scientific community in Academia and Industry service for plant proteomics and metabolomics sample analysis. The RTGR also conducts annual training workshops for interested users in proteomics or metabolomics.